What is Counseling and Therapy?

Counseling & Therapy in Lexington, Richmond & Frankfort KY

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What is Counseling & Therapy?

Therapy is simply a clinical term for counseling. That’s all! A therapist is a counselor. As you can see in the definition, the term “counselor” is used to define a therapist, or someone who administers therapy. A great link to figure out what the counseling process involves and the credentials of different providers is Counseling Process & Provider Credentials.

Psychotherapy is also a helpful resource for better understanding therapy and counseling.

In Lexington, Frankfort, and Richmond, KY our professional counselors and therapists provide counseling and therapy of many kinds, including family, marital, individual, child, and group therapy. These forms of mental health assistance are performed by Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, and an Advanced Registered Practicing Nurse specializing in psychiatric assessment, psychiatry, and medication management.

Here are some other great links detailing therapy and counseling processes:

Therapy and resources for seasonal depression and or seasonal affective disorder: CounselingKY.com’s article

Find therapists near you:

Our offices have been providing professional counseling and therapy in Lexington, KY and surrounding counties in Central Kentucky for some time. We are here to build a relationship with you that will help you reach your goals for counseling, therapy or psychiatry. Please give us a call right now at 859.338.0466 or visit our contact link to connect online.

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Therapy in Lexington KY
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